June 30, 2022

'Tamasoma Jyotirgamya' ... May the light of knowledge remove all the darkness of ignorance,
as we embark on the new journey … towards a new horizon...
We the DAVians strongly believe in eradicating inner as well as outer imperfections by destroying undesirable elements and enriching positive energies in the environment.
Therefore it's been a common practice in our school since long time to perform Hawan and following this wonderful tradition the school organised a Yajna on 30 June, 2022 to seek blessings from the almighty with the aim - Kranvanto Vishwamaaryam to make the world a beautiful place to live in, under the able guidance of our torch bearer Madam Sonia Malik and esteemed guests - Dr. NK Uberoi Ji (Vice President DAV CMC), Dr. SS khanna Ji (Vice Chairman DAVPE), Madam Manju Malik (School Administrator) attended by all the staff members.
The school also released its new Vision and Mission Statement, in accordance with NEP 2020. The school believes that with utmost dedication and sincerity we will be able to successfully achieve great heights and complete all our targets with utmost triumph.